Call for Papers IPRI Journal

ISSN: 1684-9787
eISSN: 1684-9809
HEC Recognized X-category Journal

The mission of the IPRI Journal is to promote scholarly research in the academic fields related to International Relations and Political Science, as reported by academics, scholars, researchers, social scientists from around the world, especially Pakistan.

The biannual Journal welcomes original high-quality papers/studies, review articles and book reviews which debate erudite and contemporaneous issues and ideas of academic relevance. Research published by the Journal encompasses (but not limited to) topics such as:

  • International Affairs
  • Geopolitics
  • Diplomacy
  • Security
  • Political Economy
  • Governance
  • Defence and Strategic Studies
  • Conflict
  • Lawfare

Submission Deadlines

  • For the Summer issue: 15 March
  • For the Winter issue: 15 September

Submission Procedure
Author/s are required to submit manuscripts in MS Word format, along with their brief introduction, complete contact details and a letter certifying that the submission has not been previously published nor currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Contributor Guidelines, Certification Letter and Author Checklist are available at:

Articles submitted for publication are subject to a double blind triple peer-review process of evaluation.


  • Word Length of Articles: 5000-8000 words
  • Word Length of Book Reviews: 1000 words
  • Referencing Style: The Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (Full Note)

Submission Address:

Editor IPRI Journal

Authors of published articles and book reviews are paid a modest honorarium. 

The IPRI Journal follows a strict zero tolerance policy of HEC and allows only 19% similarity Index

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Call for Research Papers for Dec 2024 IPRI Journal. The topic is "Middle East Crisis." Please send in your Papers at by August 1, 2024, with Footnotes in Chicago Manual 17th Edition.