Research Articles
1. Regionalism in the Arab World: Progress, Prospects and Lessons
Ali Awadh Asseri* & Ishtiaq Ahmad**
Citation: *Ali Awadh Asseri is the former Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Pakistan and Lebanon.
**Ishtiaq Ahmad is Member at the Planning Commission of Pakistan and former Vice-Chancellor at Sargodha University, and Pakistan Chair at Oxford University.
2. Indian Quest for Hypersonic Missiles in South Asia and Disruption of Strategic Stability in the Indo-Pak Dyad
Ayesha Abbasi *
Citation: Ayesha Abbasi is an independent analyst. She can be reached at ayeshaabbasi1990@gmail.com.
3. Fifth-Generation Hybrid Warfare in Pakistan: Mapping Hybrid Threats, State Interpretation, and the Way Forward
Dr Zeeshan Zaighum* & Dr Farasat Rasool**
Citation: *Dr Zeeshan Zaighum is a PhD in Media & Mass Communication. He is currently working as Assistant Professor at School of Media and Mass Communication, Beaconhouse National University, Lahore. He can be reached at zeeshan.zaighum@bnu.edu.pk
** Dr Farasat Rasool holds a Ph.D. in Communication Sciences from Université de Bourgogne, France, and is currently working as Associate Professor at the School of Media and Mass Communication, Beaconhouse National University, Lahore. He can be reached at: farasat.rasool@bnu.edu.pk
4. IWRM and the Indus River Basin: Principles, Frameworks, and Strategies for Effective Implementation
Dr Bushra Bibi, Ke Jian* & Abid Hussain ***
*Dr Bushra Bibi is associated with Research Institute of Environmental Law (RIEL), School of Law, Wuhan University, China. She can be reached at bushrafarooq53@gmail.com.
** Ke Jian is Professor at Research Institute of Environmental Law (RIEL), School of Law, Wuhan University, China. He can be reached at fxykj@whu.edu.cn.
***Abid Hussain is associated with Research Institute of Environmental Law (RIEL), School of Law, Wuhan University, China. He can be reached at abid@whu.edu.cn.
5. Comparative Analysis of Food Security in Pakistan and Iran: Prospects for improving bilateral trade and Cooperation
Dr Asia Mukhtar * & Dua Hamid**
Citation: *Dr Asia Mukhtar is Assistant Professor, Kinnaird College for Women University Lahore
** Dua Hamid is Lecturer, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
6. Pakistan’s Road to Central Asia:A Perspective through the Prism of Transit Trade Treaties
Umar Khan *
Citation: Umar Khan is a graduate of the National Defence University in War Studies. He can be
reached at umar179@hotmail.com.
Book Reviews
- “New Order in the Gulf: The Rise of the UAE”, reviewed by: Dr Khurram Abbas
- “The Digital Silk Road”, reviewed by: Sadia Basharat Wasti
- “War Transformed: The Future of Twenty FirstCentury Great Power Competition and Conflict”, reviewed by: Nimra Fatima
- “The Ambassadors: Thinking about Diplomacy from Machiavelli to Modern Times”, reviewed by: Sharjeel Siddiqui
- “Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology”, reviewed by: Maheen Ali Cheema